User Interface
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VariText is a Cinema 4D Object plug-in. You can find it in application menu Plugins ( Extentions) > VariText.
VariText v1.0 supports only variable fonts. You can use fonts already preinstalled with the plugin.
Some fonts are poorly designed and will have noticeable overlapping edges. VariText for Cinema 4D cannot improve these faults. Always use high quality fonts for best results.
Go to tab Info > About button to find more information about plug-in registration and tutorials.
VariText creates in a Cinema 4D scene a new Spline Generator object. To know how to use splines please take a look this article.
Text. Enter the text into the Text box. You can enter up to multiple lines of text — press Return to start a new line. The text appears in the viewport as a spline primitive when click outside the text box.
Font. Only OpenType and True Type variable fonts supported.
Font Style. Each font have at least one style (italic, bold, black, regular) here you can choose one.
Font Axes. A variable font axis refers to a specific attribute or characteristic that can be adjusted within a variable font. Variable fonts are a new font format that allows for dynamic variation in a range of attributes, such as weight, width, slant, and more. Each of these attributes corresponds to a specific axis.
Align. Set the text’s alignment to left-aligned, centered or right-aligned.
Height. The height of the letters.
Horizontal Spacing. With these command you can insert space between the characters.
Vertical Spacing. With these command you can insert space between the text lines.
Word Spacing. With these command you can adjust space between words.
Plane. These options define the direction in which the object will "point". Using these options it is easier - and faster - to rotate the object (without rotating the object coordinate system as well).
Reverse. Enabling this option will reverse the point order of the spline. See more here.
Intermediate Points. Here you can define how the spline is further subdivided with intermediate points. See more here.
Number, Angle and Maximum Length works like for standart Cinema 4D splines.
With this options you can animate variation axes with Cinema 4D Fields functionality.
Font axes. Select exis which you want to animate with Fields.
Enabled. Enable fields for selected font axis.
Apply To. Select text part which be affected by fields separetely.
Pivot. Ajust position of fields sampling center. Usually it is a center of character, word or line of text.
Fields. Fields user interface. You unfamiliar with Fields Cinema 4D functionality please go here.
Display. These settings serve as visual aides for the depiction of various properties.
Bake to spline. Create PLA animated spline object from VariText generator. After clicking Bake button a new spline object will be created.
Start and End: Animation time range to bake.
Mode. Define here what should happen at the end of the animation:
Play: The animation stops.
Loop: The animation will begin again.
Ping-Pong: The animation will run continually forwards and backwards.
Loop. Define loops count for animation modes Loop and Ping-Pong.
Fonts Licensing Info. Here finds info about fonts included into VariText installation.
Log. With this section user can trace VariText errors and send it to support team.
About button open an additional dialog window with Manage License button, this online help and feedback page.