Version history


  1. Updated documentation files

  2. Bugs fixes and improvements.


  1. Brush mode.

  2. In/Exclude surfaces (For Cinema4D R18 and later).

  3. Cinema 4D R20 Multi-Instances support.

  4. Bugs fixes and improvements.


  1. NEW: Cinema 4D R20 compatibility.

  2. Bugs fixes and improvements.


  1. NEW: Cinema 4D R19 compatibility.

  2. NEW: Automatic axis direction detection based on polygon normal and camera position.

  3. NEW: Auto orientation - (+Y,-Y,-Z). Target 4D detects surface normal angle and automatically choose relevant orientation. Best for using to place objects on vertical and horizontal surfaces like floor, walls and ceiling.

  4. NEW: New Quick Options Menu on pressing Escape button. Easy to select between active objects and placing modes. No need to return to main options window for changing some parameters.

  5. NEW: Referenced Layer option. Now you can apply layer to copies received from the copied object.

  6. Fixed: Crash after using interactive options.

  7. Enchanced: Speed improvement of detecting objects Bounding Box.

  8. Enchanced: Speed improvement of detecting Instance object surface.

  9. Bugs fixes and improvements.


Initial release

Last updated